Chemical Peel - Glasgow

Whether you are wanting to treat sun damaged skin or acne scarring, or if you just want smoother, more youthful skin on your face, neck and hands, Dr Darren McKeown has a skin treatment for you at McKeown Medical.

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Revealing Younger Skin with Chemical Peels

Dr. Darren McKeown Medical Director

Our founder, Dr Darren McKeown, is renowned for his expertise and artistry with dermal fillers. As a peer-reviewed medical author, he is passionate about treatments that stand up to scientific scrutiny. Above all, Dr McKeown believes in a global approach; delivering flawless results – and rejuvenation that lasts.

Dr Darren McKeown offers alternative chemical peel treatments at his aesthetic clinic in Glasgow.


There are many different types of skin peel treatments, although they can all be grouped according to how deep they go into the skin — Superficial Peel, Medium Peel, and Deep Peel. Optimal results depend on skin types and choosing the appropriate acid skin peel treatment for the conditions being treated.

The chemicals (or acids) used for exfoliation can range from lactic acid for mild chemical peels to carbolic acid for deeper chemical peels. One of the most popular solutions for a medium depth peel is glycolic acid, which is effective for fighting acne scars. Salicylic acid peels, like glycolic peels, are also a good option for acne scarring because they clean the dirt in the pores that usually leads to acne.

Below are the traditional chemical skin peel treatment options:

Superficial Chemical Peels

This treatment is also called a light chemical peel. Compared with a deep peel treatment, a superficial peel produces less dramatic results, but this can be built upon by repeating a series of superficial peels to achieve an overall impressive result in fighting the signs of ageing on the face and improve skin texture.

The biggest benefit of this approach is that the superficial chemical peels have very little or no downtime, minimal risk of side effects and complications, and are suitable for most skin types. The downside of a superficial chemical peel is that the initial results are subtle and multiple treatments are often required if you want to see a healthy glow in your skin and a reduction in fine lines, acne scars, or sun damage.

Medium Chemical Peels

A medium chemical peel is ideal for those who need a greater degree of renewal of the skin cells, but who are not wanting to commit to the downtime and risks involved with a deep peel.

Medium depth peels, like superficial skin peels, will need multiple treatments to see the full results of smoother texture and fewer wrinkles, but the rejuvenation of the face will eventually increase with each maintenance chemical facial peel.

Deep Chemical Peels

Deep chemical peels deeply exfoliate the skin and can yield the most impressive results. However, the price of such great results is that there is an extended downtime when compared with light and medium peels. There is also a higher risk of complications.

Want to find out more about chemical peels and the alternative treatments Dr Darren McKeown offers? Book a consultation online at McKeown Medical today.


A facial chemical peel treatment is similar to exfoliation, except it uses chemicals in place of a physical scrub and can have a far more dramatic result. For example, it can reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

This chemical exfoliation is a liquid solution that removes the top layer of the skin, or more depending on the severity of the case. How deeply the exfoliation goes depends on which skin peel is chosen.

The chemical skin peels work by causing a controlled injury to the skin, which removes damaged or dead skin cells and stimulates new collagen and, as a result, new skin growth in the weeks to come. The collagen can also tighten the skin, which further reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The skin undergoes a phase of self-repair in removing the dead cells and emerges at the other end in a better condition than it started.

Skin Preparation

Facial skin peels work through a minimum of one to two layers of skin — with the first two layers being the epidermis (the visible outermost layers) and the dermis (beneath the skin surface).

Depending on the type of peel you are having, and for what reasons, it may be necessary to treat your skin with some prescription-strength creams for 2–6 weeks before having your chemical peel. The purpose of this preparation is to enhance the effects of the facial skin peel and to reduce the chances of developing complications afterwards.

During this period of skin preparation, it is necessary to wear high factor sunscreen on a daily basis, even on cloudy days, and it is important that you keep up your sunscreen use and good skin care practices throughout the course of your chemical peels and during any healing periods afterwards.

When you book a consultation at our clinic, we will guide you through the preparation and recovery periods of our different skin rejuvenation treatments to help you find the right treatment for your needs and to ensure the best possible results.

Side Effects and Complications

The risk of side effects and complications depends on the depth of the peel: deep skin peels have a high risk of complications, whereas superficial skin peels are relatively low risk.

Following a superficial chemical skin peel, your skin will remain red for the first 24–48 hours. Around 3 or 4 days after the treatment, you will likely notice some light peeling, similar to the effect of having very dry skin. Most people are able to tolerate this whilst going about their day-to-day activities, so chemical face peels usually have no downtime.

Medium and deep chemical skin peels could cause more serious side effects. Possible complications with deeper skin peels include redness that can last for several months, mild scarring, and loss of pigmentation. Other possible side effects of deep chemical peels for acne or evening the skin tone are bacterial, fungal or viral infections, as well as heart, kidney, or liver damage if you are over-exposed to carbolic acid, although it would be rare for these effects to happen with modern chemical peeling techniques.

The risk of these complications is a big reason why we prefer offering alternative treatments to chemical skin peels. Another reason is that we have found advanced laser treatments such as BBL and HALO to produce results that are more impressive compared to chemical skin peels using acids.

While we may not offer chemical peels in Glasgow, we are committed to helping our patients achieve their aesthetic goals of having a more youthful appearance and rejuvenated skin. We offer several cutting-edge laser skin treatments that are effective alternatives to a chemical peels treatment.


Although skin peels can treat various issues, we feel that their effectiveness is limited, so we offer laser treatments instead to ensure we get the best possible results. We use only the best technology from Sciton, whose machines are considered to be the Rolls Royce of the laser world.

Dr Darren McKeown is an experienced aesthetic doctor offering various alternative treatments to chemical peels that can effectively treat skin imperfections ranging from pigmentation to acne scars.

ProFractional Laser Treatment

If you’re wanting to minimise the appearance of acne scarring and other skin irregularities, consider the Sciton ProFractional laser resurfacing treatment. This procedure creates controlled injuries to the dermis that stimulates collagen remodelling to deliver impressive outcomes that result in a smoother, more radiant complexion after just 1 or 2 treatments.

To ensure the utmost comfort for our patients, a topical numbing cream is applied prior to the treatment. The downtime will typically be about 5–7 days.

Contour TRL Laser Treatment

Full laser skin resurfacing is a highly effective alternative to a chemical peel for hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and fine lines & wrinkles. Using the advanced Sciton Contour Tunable Resurfacing Laser (TRL), we remove the entire surface of the skin. The customisable depth of the exceptionally precise Sciton Contour TRL ensures that the optimal amount of energy is used to achieve the desired results. This also minimises your recovery time, which is typically 10–14 days depending on the depth of the treatment.

By removing the top layers of the skin, the Contour TRL treatment gets rid of impurities and initiates a skin rejuvenation process that leads to the growth of new, healthier skin cells. This results in smooth skin with a more evenly toned complexion and a more youthful appearance.

BroadBand Light (BBL) Laser Treatment

BroadBand Light (BBL) offers a remarkable alternative to chemical peels for hyperpigmentation, rough skin texture, and active acne. By harnessing the power of different light filters, a BBL laser treatment effectively eliminates acne-causing bacteria from deep within the pores. With this treatment, there is minimal downtime and any temporary pinkness or redness typically subsides within a few hours.

The Sciton BBL devices feature a range of light filters, which means we can tailor the laser treatment to your skin type to ensure you achieve your aesthetic goals. Compared to a facial peel treatment, this procedure is more precise and effective at treating active acne and uneven skin pigmentation.

For optimal results, a BBL treatment is often combined with a HALO laser treatment.

HALO Laser Treatment

When it comes to treating skin imperfections, HALO laser technology is a fantastic alternative to a chemical peel for pigmentation problems, reducing pore size, and smoothing fine lines or textured skin. The Sciton HALO laser delivers precise controlled injuries to the top layer and deeper layers of the skin to stimulate superficial and deep skin rejuvenation that will eliminate irregularities within just a few sessions.

By opting for a HALO laser treatment instead of a carbolic or glycolic acid chemical peel, you also get results that can typically last for several years.

During your consultation at our clinic to discuss our alternatives to facial skin peels in Glasgow, we will discuss your expectations and advise you on which treatments are best for your unique requirements.

For cutting-edge alternatives to a chemical skin peel in Glasgow, book your appointment with Dr Darren McKeown at McKeown Medical.

Are you ready to start your consultation?

Finding the right treatment for you is the most important factor in ensuring that you are on the correct path to achieve the results you desire. Our pre-consultation form helps us to identify your needs and, ultimately, gets you on the right path to achieving your optimal results.


At McKeown Medical, we use the state-of-the-art Sciton device to help our patients achieve their aesthetic goals. This commitment to using only the best and latest technology & techniques is why Dr Darren McKeown’s clinic is one of the most sought after aesthetic clinics in Glasgow.

Want to learn more about how our skin rejuvenation treatments compare to traditional skin peels? Book a consultation at our clinic and we will be happy to answer all your questions.

Are you ready to start your consultation?

Finding the right treatment for you is the most important factor in ensuring that you are on the correct path to achieve the results you desire. Our pre-consultation form helps us to identify your needs and, ultimately, gets you on the right path to achieving your optimal results.

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Your Expert Team


Dr Darren McKeown

Our founder, Dr Darren McKeown, is renowned for his expertise and artistry with dermal fillers. As a peer-reviewed medical author, he is passionate about treatments that stand up to scientific scrutiny. Above all, Dr McKeown believes in a global approach; delivering flawless results – and rejuvenation that lasts.

Medical Director

Dr Rhona Cameron

Dr Rhona Cameron is a skilled injector who has been extensively trained in Dr McKeown’s signature intuitive technique. Her treatments blend advanced facial optimisation with powerful, energy-based devices – such as lasers, BBL and radio frequency – energising the appearance and enhancing skin health. approach; delivering flawless results – and rejuvenation that lasts.

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